Latest Events and News


  • Lara Downes’ ‘Love at Last’ nominated for the Best Classical Record at the 2024 A2IM Libera Awards [Link here]. 
  • “Lenji” a new commission by SHHH!! Ensemble, for marimba and piano (2024).

happy-hall-shh ensemble.jpg

  • Piano and Composition Performance Instructor at Carleton University [Link here].
  • “Dreamland” for string quartet, Tar, and female vocalist, commissioned by Stephen Prutsman, featuring Elham Manoochehri and Dior Quartet, Phenotypic Recordings (2024).

Mandala Spotlight: Unveiling Mandala on Stage | September 9, 2023 - 9 septembre 2023 — Ottawa Arts Council | Conseil des arts d'Ottawa

  • “Golnava” Cello Concerto no. 3 (2023-2024) written for, and featuring cellist Raphael Weinroth-Browne (cello, strings, and Persian ensemble).

07 Nov 2024 - Raphaël Weinroth-Brown - BIMHUIS Amsterdam

  • Visiting lecturer at University of Ottawa: Modal Improvisation and figuration technique on the keyboard, Friday February 2nd, 2024. 
  • From retrospective concert with the Thirteen Strings at Music & Beyond Festival, July 2023 at CDCC, Ottawa [Watch here].

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